If you are worried about that if there is any way to prevent your elgin gold pocket watch from damage inadvertently, I am delighted to tell you that here are some rules to help you solve the problem.
First of all, don’t put your watches with your key or other article together. There are people like to string the key, keychain and watch together, but they did not realize that that the objects will probably scratch the surface of the pocket watch. In addition, the key or other things will make your watch lose its internal elegance and class. So just remove the extra and unnecessary things from your cheap watches for man and make sure your watch is safe and alone.
Secondly, it is necessary to clean your watch every week. As we all know, it is possible to absorb some dust or other tiny thing stick to the watch for staying in your vest for long time. So you should protect your watch absorbing to much tiny things into inside of watch. You had better clean the watch with soft clothes, considering in case the rough clothes scratch the surface of watch.
Thirdly, keep your watches from water. Unlike wristwatch, pocket watch is not designed with waterproof function. Because most of time, we put the watch in the pocket or vest that there is little chance to exposed to water, but it does not mean never. So in order to protect your watch from water, you should keep your watches from water. Make sure to avoid putting the watch in the washroom and remember to take your cheap watches out from your pocket before you put your pants into washing machine.
It is not difficult to find a right pocket watch, thanks to many choices on the market. But you should have some knowledge about how to care for your pocket watch. I hope that above the suggestions can be helpful to you if it is the first time to wear the pocket watch.